Friday, June 13, 2008

Family Patterns, The Mother Lode of Unconscious Parenting

When I think of a time my father or mother showed me they really cared and loved me, I remember...

I felt...

Some things I was praised for as a child are...

The effects of this on me today are...

Some things I was criticized, yelled at, punished, shamed or ridiculed for are...

The effects of this on me today are...

When I think of a time when my father or mother disciplined me inappropriately or abused me, I remember...

I felt...

Your early parenting efforts are based on your experience as a child. Either you repeat your parent's behavior or you purposely choose not to. For eg. if you were spanked as a child, you spank your child or you purposely do not spank (and end up a screamer). Either way you are following a family pattern of behavior. Be aware of patterns of behavior.


donkhairul said...

Salam kak ani,

i think what you said is true.and because of that i always seek sources like books,blogs that encourage better parenting. and though i was shouted,spanked during my childhood,i didnt practice it with my daughter; as yet!:P
i'll try my very best to be a good parent, which is to be me!+the good values..i believe i can.and am glad to have convinced my wife too..thanks. :)

Salam said...

i like your article.
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